The magnificent steller’s sea eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus) is an immense bird with a large head and a pointed bright orange bill. They fish in open water and subsist largely on salmon when in their breeding grounds. In Japan (where they are revered and known as O-washi), they pluck fish from icy seas and supplement their diet with crabs, shellfish, ducks, gulls and carrion. Like other eagles, Steller's are very partial to stealing food from other birds!
They are believed to breed only in far eastern Russia, along the coasts and surrounding islands of the Sea of Okhotsk and Bering Sea. In winter they migrate from their breeding grounds to Japan, with a few reaching Korea or even farther afield. Some though, do not migrate, but simply fly out to open water as winter approaches.
They are listed as ‘vulnerable’ but populations appear to be stable. They have protected status throughout their range. These birds were photographed in Hokkaido in Japan.